Handbook » Health Policy

Health Policy

Each child entering school for the first time is required by law to have:
  1. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION or records to show that an exam was taken less than one year.
  2. TUBERCULIN TEST that was taken less than one year ago.
  3. INOCULATIONS for DTP, Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella, Polio.
Records for each of the above requirements need to be submitted to the school registration. Students may be excluded from school after a grace period is these requirements are not met.
The HAWAII PUBLIC HEALTH REGULATIONS allow schools to exclude students from attending school if they have the following contagious health problems: Each child entering school for the first time is required by law to have:
  1. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION or records to show that an exam was taken less than one year.
  2. TUBERCULIN TEST that was taken less than one year ago.
  3. INOCULATIONS for DTP, Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella, Polio.
Records for each of the above requirements need to be submitted to the school registration. Students may be excluded from school after a grace period is these requirements are not met.
The HAWAII PUBLIC HEALTH REGULATIONS allow schools to exclude students from attending school if they have the following contagious health problems:
  • CHICKEN POX: Fever, red spots blisters
  • INFLUENZA: Runny nose, cough, chills, fever
  • MUMPS: Swollen glands below the ears, fever
  • PEDICULOSIS: Infestation of head lice
  • IMPETIGO: Sore covered with golden-yellow crust
  • SCABIES: Water blisters in finger webs, armpits or groin area, itching
  • CONJUNCTIVITIS: Redness of the whites or eyes, discharge
  • MEASLES: Rash, runny nose, red eyes, fever
  • STREP THROAT: Sore throat, fever
  • TUBERCULOSIS: Positive reaction to skin test, coughing
  • RINGWORMS: Itchy, round, red, scaly skin patches
  • PINWORMS: Itching in the anal area, restlessness