Handbook » Drug-Free Schools Statement

Drug-Free Schools Statement

POLICY 305-7


The Board of Education believes that all students have the right to an education in safe and
orderly school environments. The Department of Education (“DOE”) has a fundamental
responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work and learning environment for all public school
students, employees, and persons under its jurisdiction. The Board supports the DOE’s need to
eliminate alcohol and illicit drug use and distribution in public schools.
The DOE shall develop regulations and procedures for public schools in an effort to eliminate
alcohol and drug use and distribution on their respective campuses. The regulations, guidelines,
and procedures developed shall be scientifically based and within the confines of state statutes
and constitutional compliance.
[Approved: 02/17/2015 (as Board Policy 305.7); amended: 06/21/2016 (renumbered as Board Policy 305-7)]
 Former policy 4220 history: approved: 05/19/2005